Friday, November 30, 2012

Divorce Case Study

For my survey, I plan on researching different case studies on divorce. I can't really just blatantly go up to people who have been divorced, and asked them about the process because this is a very personal matter for many people, and they like to keep it just between their family. I am going to research it by reading a series of different case studies instead.While I am  reading different articles regarding the topic of divorce, I am going to make  a tally of different subtopics which include: which age group are most likely to get a divorce (young people, middle aged, elderly), who is more likely to initiate the divorce (the male or female), if a couple with kids are less likely to get a divorce than a couple without kids would be, if people who get married later in life are less likely to get a divorce than people who get married young, and what percentage of teen marriages (teenagers who got married because they had a baby together) are likely to work out.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Strategy for Research

I decided to do a case study for divorces. Divorce has changed so much throughout the years. It used to be something that was a very taboo subject for people. Recently, it has become much more popular in society. For my project, I decided to do a case study on adults who have gotten divorced. I was going to go online and research a few different questions about this topic. I'm interested in seeing peoples' responses to the term "divorce" and how they interpret the meaning of the word.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Quarter 2 Project

For my second quarter project, I thought it would be interesting to talk to a few close friends and family members who have gotten a divorce in the past, and ask them how they feel about divorce. It would be interesting to know what percentage of adults who have been divorced regret their decision, and what percentage couldn't be any happier. If they feel comfortable opening up about it, we could talk about why they decided to get a divorce, and how their life has been since than.